An interactive quilt constructed from archival family photos and documents

Paper Record Player
A toy that plays music and demonstrates a paper circuit

Shaping Biofoam
Experiments in molding an agar-based bioplastic

Somebody Loves this Album
A time, temperature, and location-specific music recommender

Sandwich Series
A series of sandwich-themed works out of wood, yarn, and felt

A crocheted can of SPAM
Honey by the Numbers
An educational toy about bees and honey

Yarn Speakers
A series of experiments in creating speakers out of yarn

A mechanical crocheting automaton

Storied Blanket
A sound-responsive light installation
ITP Camp Quilt
A collaborative quilt I organized and constructed
Cosmic Catch & Dodge
A completely touchless game

Titanic Rising Interactive Experience
Interactive model of the cover artwork for Weyes Blood’s 2019 album Titanic Rising