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Week 8: Material Connexion + Store Visit

Material Connexion

POKYPAPER by Supornwutthiphat

This material stuck out to me because it reminds me of paper I used to make at summer camp. The description says it’s made up of receipts, calendars, and lottery tickets, and I like the idea of the stories embedded within. 
No website listed or easily found online, but they listed a phone number, email address, and the name of an executive at the company.

LIGNEAH by Mymantra srl

This material is interesting to me because of it’s soft-ish form that contradicts its composition (layer of wood with wood veneer). They scored the material to create flexible forms that are also tough. I like this material because it’s something I could make with the resources we have at ITP. It’s no longer available commercially, and their website is no longer active.

LEL (LOOMIA Electronic Layer) 4 Wire Bus Sample

The description says this is a “smart textile system” made with a textile base, metal conductors, and TPU insulation. The textile base is stretchy and the conductive “thread” doesn’t feel any different from the non-conductive fabric, which was intriguing. LOOMIA is based in New York and has a great website with lots of resources. I submitted a message through their contact form asking for a sample, and mentioned that my thesis incorporates e-textiles.. They got back to me super quick!

Store Visit: Michaels Craft Store